A downloadable game for Windows

In Coriolis you can take control of a tank to battle your friends. Use physics to your advantage as you curve and loop your bullets while the level spins infinitly.

Coriolis Graph

This animated graph shows you the basics of how the coriolis effect works. As the level is spinning, your bullets keep flying in a straight line, making them appear to curve. It's all depending on what your frame of reference is!

Our game features online multiplayer, a unique type of turn-based gameplay. a catalog of 6 different types of ammo and 4 different kind of constructions you can place down in the level to defend yourself.

This game was made in a team of five people:

Pieter Pauwels - http://pieterpauwels.be

Evgeni Vdovlov - https://evgenivdovlov.artstation.com/

Jens Bonnarens - https://jensbonnarens.com/

Laurens Moonens - https://www.laurensmoonens.com/

Arne van der Lei - http://arne.vanderlei.be/

Our game also includes music by Punch Deck and assets from Paragon.


Coriolis-V1.1.zip 775 MB

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